Have you struggled with these questions?
You have a new bird, but you don't know where to start.
Why you need to include your bird's care in your Will.
What are dangerous and/or toxic to your birds?
What is the correct diet for my bird?
How do I tame a parent-reared bird?
Why aren't my birds breeding?
How do I find a mate for my bird?
How do I locate a good avian veterinarian?
How can I keep my bird healthy?
How can I change my bird's bad behavior?
What did the pet store not tell me?
Are you going on vacation? Need boarding recommendations?
What size cage should I get? Are zinc coated cages bad?
My bird plucked all it's feathers, is this normal? What's wrong?
My bird sleeps in the corner all the time, why is this bad?
I cook with Teflon coated cookware, why is this deadly for birds?
I don't want my bird anymore, what can I do?
I would like to adopt a bird, where can I go?
What is the West Nile Virus?
Is avian flu a concern here?
Should I let my birds fly free or trim their wings?
I like pizza, can I share some with my bird?
Is it normal for a bird to scream?
M.A.C.A.W. can help you answer these questions and more!
Our organization is a primary resource of information on cage bird species. You can further your education through:
Networking - Share experiences and opinions with other members on breeding, health, taming and other topics.
Educational Programs - Speakers present programs on care, genetics, taming, trick training, plants and pests in the aviary, handfeeding and more. Names you may recognize include Dr. Irene Pepperberg (owner of Alex the African Grey), Tom Qualkinbush, Sally Blanchard, Donna Hefton and Dr. Peter Sakas. Regional experts and members also participate.
M.A.C.A.W. Flyer - The newsletter includes topics for pet owners and breeders, educational articles, an avian vet question and answer column, avian conservation programs, legislation updates, and club information.
Library - M.A.C.A.W. provides a library service to members which contains books, videos and back issues of popular avicultural magazines, etc. These items can be checked out through the club librarian.
Becoming Involved - Stay up-to-date and become involved with pertinent legislation, humane and endangered species information, conservation efforts, and public education.
Getting Involved
(making a difference for birds)
Serve in an elected position, on the Board of Directors, or as a committee chairperson
Contribute original articles or other information to the MACAW Flyer newsletter
Help organize and staff the Pet Bird Seminar or Pet Bird Fair
Participate in an educational program or recommend a knowledgeable individual who would speak to the club
Suggest program topics, new ideas and other items for consideration at a board meeting
Volunteer as a Bird Ambassador at the zoo
Volunteer with the Adopt-A-Highway program
Volunteer with MACAW TV and help produce a TV show
Staff our information table at various events
Provide a refreshment or snack for a meeting
Come join us, learn something new, make new friends, get involved and have some fun!
Special Activities
(extra fun)
Summer Picnic
Annual Pet Bird Seminar or Pet Bird Fair
Christmas Party which includes the Annual Meeting & Election
Occasional tours and behind the scenes events
Special MACAW Member Discounts (saving you
MadCat Pet Supplies offers MACAW members 10% off everything avian related including food.
Animart offers MACAW members 10% off everything except food (show MACAW membership card).
Mounds offers MACAW members 10% off everything except food (show MACAW membership card).
Becoming a member still costs just $20 for a one year family membership. No other club can offer so much for so little. So many opportunities to learn, to help, and to have fun. Click here to find out how easy it is to join. If you have any questions concerning a M.A.C.A.W. membership, please contact me. Thank you for your interest in M.A.C.A.W. |
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