June, 2003
The President's Perch
Steve Fitzsimmons, 2003 MACAW President
Hello and welcome to the June issue of the MACAW Flyer! If you haven't heard the news, it's official now, we are on our 3 month summer
break! Ah, summer at last, - lemon aid stands, cold drinks, longer days, robins in the back yard and MACAW summer breaks. Life just doesn't
get much better than this! But wait, it does! The new Aviary at the Henry Villas Zoo is scheduled to open June 21st! Free flying birds,
waterfalls and an aviary rivaling some of the best theme parks in the country and free! This is one opening we just cannot wait for. What a
Did everyone get a chance to attend our seminar last month? I am still receiving compliments and rave reviews from the people who attended,
including doctors and board members of other bird clubs. It was so good, people have asked when our next event will be. I cannot thank our
generous and knowledgeable educational speakers - Doctors Joanne Paul-Murphy, DVM, Jean A. Paré, DVM, Peter Sakas, DVM, and Rob
Porter, DVM enough! Thank you! Also a huge thank you to MADCAT Pet Supplies for doing a fantastic job feeding the crowd with
everything from Swedish meatballs, to chips, dips and cheese to sodas and ice cream and much more! Ted had a real workout and everything
was so delicious and very much appreciated, thank you! Also a big thank you to Carol Giffin for her hard work and donated stained glass Blue
and Gold. Thanks to her we were able to raise additional funds to help pay off our purchase of all the bird cages for the Humane Society.
Thanks Carol! Thanks also to the Dane County Humane Society for not only allowing us to hold our seminar there, but also for waiving fees
and supplying equipment for the event, thereby helping us keep our costs low. An event as big as this cannot be undertaken without a
dedicated hard working team of volunteers. My thanks to the MACAW board members- Pam, Ruth, Jan, Carol, Lois, Kathy T. and Kathy S.,
Seminar Coordinator - Jackie, Education Director - Paula, members - Lynn, and Katreena and the many volunteers for putting this event
together, soliciting the prizes, running the auctions and raffles, setting up the chairs and tables and helping wherever needed. To every one of
you, and everyone I may have missed, your work is appreciated, and you have my thanks. The beautiful art work for the seminar booklet cover
was donated by the talented artist Robin Van Zeeland, thank you Robin! And thank you to all of the companies and people who donated prizes
to the raffles and auctions and who advertised in our seminar booklet. The biggest thank you has been saved for all of you who attended this
event, participated in the raffles and auctions and made our event such a huge success, thank you! I hope that everyone left with a better
understanding and appreciation of our birds. It was quite a day, with so much to do, so much to learn and so much to eat! Thanks to all of you
in helping us raise much needed funds, funds that will be given back to the avian community to further help avian causes here locally and
around the world.
I urge every member of MACAW to remember those businesses that have helped this club. When you need to buy supplies for your birds, go
out on the town to movies, shopping, bowling or golf, go out to eat or just want to buy something for yourself, please send some of your
business to the businesses that supported MACAW. There were many businesses that turned us down, didn't reply, didn't support us or just
didn't care about helping animals. The businesses that support MACAW stand out from the rest as some of the most caring, generous and
helpful in the community. Please remember their generosity. They help us make a positive difference in the avian community.
The seminar was our big event of the current year. As I look out over the horizon I can foresee many future events that we can do next year,
but we will need your support, energy and thoughts. The 2004 MACAW Bird Fair idea has been tossed around, a lot of supporters, but too few
volunteers. What do you think? What events interest you for 2004? We have some fantastic opportunities this year too. Our Bird Ambassador
volunteer program will start this month with the opening of the new Aviary.
Our Adopt a Highway program is off and running too. Our stretch
of highway is from Gammon Rd to Whitney Way on the Rayovac side of the beltline, look for our sign! The Busy Bird Toy Bird Fair on the first
Sunday of the month is always interesting and fun, and we have many new ideas that we might try out during the summer. So even during
break, we are busy making a difference. You are welcome to join us and participate in any of these opportunities by just sending me an email to
get started. Also, don't forget our web sites! They continue to be updated and informative as are our forums and birds for adoption pages.
Also keep an eye on big things happening with Fine Feathered Friends Bird Sanctuary, as they kick off fund raising events for their new
building. Sandi's rescue is becoming very crowded very fast and needs to buy a bigger building. She is hoping to raise $250,000 for a needed
new building, which is no small task. One last note, this summer especially, please keep your birds safe from the West Nile Virus by keeping them indoors this year. Remember,
don't spray any insecticide anywhere near your birds as they are extremely sensitive to all aerosol sprays. These sprays can cause them serious
injury and even death. Also, scented candles are extremely harmful for your birds as is Teflon. If you have any questions regarding your birds
health, please contact your avian vet. Living in the Madison area we are fortunate to have many excellent avian veterinarians available, our
seminar speakers are at the top of my list!
Thank you for sharing your day with us. I now invite you to read through the latest issue Christene, our hard working newsletter editor, put
together for us, our June MACAW Flyer. Please read our many articles and feel free to send me an email if you have any questions, concerns,
complaints or ideas. I want to hear from you! I promise no form letter replies!
Steve Fitzsimmons, MACAW President
A Gigantic Thanks to Our Seminar Supporters
Paula Fitzsimmons , MACAW Education Director
We would like to extend a sincere THANK YOU to all of those generous businesses and individuals that donated items for our May 3rd
seminar. Without their support, the seminar would not have been such a success. Jackie and I made hundreds of donations requests. The folks you see listed on this page were the ones who came through for us -- even
during these difficult economic times. I ask that you return the favor, and patronize their products and services. Thank you.
*Robin Van Zeeland, for donating the exquisite artwork for our seminar booklet
*Carol Giffin, for creating and donating her beautiful stained-glass macaw
*Dane County Humane Society, for donating the room
*Gunderson Funeral Home, Monona Dr., for donating chairs
*MadCat Pet Supplies in Madison, for providing the wonderful foods and refreshment
*Theresa Sonn
*Karen Davidson
*Dr. Joanne Paul- Murphy (Lecture)
*Dr. Jean Pare (Lecture)
*Dr. Peter Sakas (Lecture)
*Dr. Rob Porter (Lecture)
*Pam McCloud-Smith
*Lafeber Company, for providing over 200 bags of bird treat samples
*Copp's Food Center, www.copps.com
*Milwaukee County Zoo, www.milwaukeezoo.org
*Fancy Publications (Bird Talk Magazine), www.animalnetwork.com/birdtalk
*Doctor's Foster & Smith, www.drsfostersmith.com
*The Ultimate Spa & Salon, www.ultimatespa.com
*Big Mike's Super Subs, www.bigmikesdelivers.com
*Star Cinema, www.starcinema.com
*George Vitense Golfland, www.vitense.com
*Atlanta Bread Company, www.atlantabread.com
*Raintree Resort & Conference Center, www.dellsraintree.com
*Curves for Women, www.curvesinternational.com
*Steep & Brew, www.steepnbrew.com
*Parrots Magazine, www.parrotmag.com
*East Towne Pet Clinic, Madison
*Kaytee Products Inc, www.kaytee.com
*Zupreem, www.zupreem.com
*Kneaded Relief Day Spa, www.kneadedreliefdayspa.com
*Steve and Paula Fitzsimmons
*PJ Publications (Paula Fitzsimmons), www.pjpublications.com
*Claude Leroy
*Ruth Gundlach
*Cameron Owls (Clarence Cameron), www.owlman.com
*LadyGouldianFinch, www.ladygouldianfinch.com
*Hagen Corporation, www.hagen.com
*Bowl-A-Vard Lanes, www.bowlavard.com
*Orange Tree Imports, www.orangetreeimports.com
*Mounds Pet Food Warehouse, www.moundspet.com
*Kathy Thimling
*Sauk Prairie Small Animal Hospital, www.spsmallanimalhospital.com
*Milwaukee Public Museum, www.mpm.edu
*Friend of MACAW
*Love on the Wing
*Crazy Corn
*Jackie Hugo
*Designing Health
*Kathy Thimling
*Sun Seed
*Polly's Pastels
*Mound Pet Food Warehouse
*Cloud 9
M.A.C.A.W. Education Calendar
Paula Fitzsimmons, MACAW Education Director
Please note that at this point, the following plans are tentative and are subject to change. I will have a better handle on the education calendar
within the following months.
June 8th - Board meeting only. No presentation.
September 14th - Joanna Eckles of the World Parrot Trust. Tentative.
October 12th/November 9th - Plans include a presentation by Sandi Meinholz, MACAW board member and founder of Fine Feathered Friends
Sanctuary in Madison; and a private tour of the Henry Vilas Zoo's new aviary, pending its opening.
Are there any topics you'd like to see covered, or places you'd like our group to visit? Here's some of my ideas for topics. Please contact me if you know of someone who can speak on any of the following:
* First aid for birds
* Behavior: What is "normal" and how to correct negative behaviors
* Finches and softbills: The "forgotten" birds
* How to ensure your bird is getting adequate exercise
* Is your bird a dinosaur? A look at the evolution of birds
* How to protect birds (companion and wild) through legislation and
* Update on avian diseases and cutting-edge treatments
* Proper nutrition and what's in the foods you give your birds (I'd
like to schedule an avian nutritionist for this one)
* Planned
Parenthood: What are the options for preventing unwanted bird births?
* The similarities and differences between companion birds and
their wild counterparts
Each month the schedule is as follows:
- Board meeting starts at 1:00. All MACAW
members are welcome to attend board meetings.
Hospitality break is at 2:00 pm.
- Speaker is at 2:30 pm.
- M.A.C.A.W. meetings are held the second Sunday of the month
(excluding June, July, & August).
Meeting Location:
Midvale Community Lutheran Church
4329 Tokay Blvd., Madison, WI
Rooms 221-223 (second floor)
The meeting location is accessible by the Madison Metro bus system as well as
handicapped accessible.
Dane County Humane Society Corner
Sandi Meinholz, MACAW Board Member
As of this writing, the shelter has 7 female zebra finches and 3 male ring-necked doves available for adoption. Please contact Jane Hanson with questions about bird adoptions at 608-838-0413, extension 101.
Fine Feathered Friends Update
Sandi Meinholz, MACAW Board Member
Adorable adoptables from Fine Feathered Friends Sanctuary
We have a 4 yr. old sun conure, male named Nengo (sounds like Mango) available. A 3 yr. old peach faced lovebird, male named Bub available
(very funny little guy). A normal grey male cockatiel (approx. 4 yrs.) named Whiskey available. A female blue & gold macaw, 9 yrs. old, named
Annie (didn't like men but has bonded with my husband and is very sweet, big talker too). Male and female white face cockatiels (set up as
breeders, not friendly). Male and female normals (2 pr., also set up as breeders, one pair has been plucking each other, we have separated them
though and feathers are growing back). Eight zebra finches (4 males, 4 females) all available for adoption.
For more information on any of the above birds, or to
start the adoption process, go to our main website at
Birdie Bread
From the Internet
2 boxes corn bread mix
2/3 c. milk
3 eggs
1 jr. size jar sweet potato or carrots
1/2 c. frozen peas
1/2 c. seed (optional)
1/2 c. pellets
Mix all ingredients together. Bake in muffin tins or 13x9 cake pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes.
2003 Busy Bird Fairs
First Sunday in Month
July 6, Oct 5, Nov 2, Dec 7
VFW Hall , 301 Cottage Grove Rd. , Madison, WI
10 am -3 pm, $2.00 Admission
Sheila at 608-362-4696 / email
Stop by the MACAW table and say hello to Kathy, Sandi and other members staffing the table or visiting!
Here are some helpful tips and reminders. MACAW Insider readers are connected to the grape vine! Get breaking news as it happens in the club, to subscribe, please send your email to me at stevenf@charter.net. Our two web sites are http://macaw.axisdata.com/ (main site), and our web site at Madison.com is http://www.madison.com/communities/macaw/index.php. Buying your bird supplies from MADCAT Pet Supplies or Animart helps save you money through member discounts. Sandi will help you clean your bird cages (donations appreciated)!
If you think that jobs involving animals are limited, you will be pleased to learn of at least 105 different paths you can take. 105 Careers for Animal Lovers is a 39 page booklet listing 105 career ideas including resources and tips to help the reader zero in and help jump start that career search. www.pjpublications.com
Pet Supply Retailers
7820 Mineral Point Rd
Madison, WI 53717
MACAW Members receive 10% discount on all bird supply purchases!
Feathered Fid's Bird Boarding
Jackie Hugo
Reasonable Rates
Health Exams Required
Including Blood Work
MACAW Members 10% Discount
Fine Feathered Friends Sanctuary, Inc.
Sandi Meinholz
We will bird sit for you in your home or ours.
We are a 501©3 non-profit exotic bird rescue and will care for your
bird/birds in your home or ours. All proceeds go directly back to the birds in
the sanctuary. For more information please call (608)274-2615 or Email: smeinie@charter.net.
Site: www.feathered-friends.com.
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